Souvenir Guide Submissions

Furry Migration is a community run convention that takes pride in providing a creative and expressive outlet for artists and writers. As part of this effort, we take submissions based on this year’s theme for our Souvenir Guide, as also called the Conbook. These submissions may include short stories, poetry, original images, or personal photography.

These submissions must be entered by the creator. and they cannot be an advertisement for goods or services. If you want to submit an advertisement visit our advertising page.

Read the fine print below and then if you don’t have questions – start working on the next masterpiece for Furry Migration Souvenir Book.

When you are done or if you have any questions feel free to contact publication.

The Fine Print

  • Submissions should be based around this year’s con theme
  • It is recommended you contact publications first before starting a project. This is especially important if it’s less than 2 months out.
  • You must be 18 years of age or older or have parental permission to submit content to Furry Migration.
  • You must own the rights for all the characters for the art, writing or photograph submitted.
  • Entries must not contain copyrighted characters for which you do not own the copyright or do not have permission to publish.
  • Submissions must be a G to PG-13 rating. Any inappropriate content will be rejected. Our Souvenir Book is family friendly.
  • By entering a submission to the Furry Migration convention, Minnesota Furs and Furry Migration retains a non-exclusive, non-transferable publication license for re-publication in the convention booklet, posters, publications, flyers and/or website of photographs/short-stories/art.
  • This is not a contest and submitting has no impact on any other potential events run by Furry Migration.
  • We reserve the right to reject any art or photograph for any reason.
  • All decisions made by Publications are final.

Additional Fine Print for Art And Photography

  • No watermarks please – attribution will be printed with your submission.
  • We cannot guarantee a minimum or maximum printing size if your submission is used.
  • Submissions should be around 3000 pixels tall by 2000 pixels wide; we strongly encourage maintaining a 2:3 aspect ratio for consistency.
  • Color images are preferred, but grayscale/black and white is also acceptable.
  • Submissions should use CMYK color mode. RGB submissions will be converted before printing.
  • Files can be submitted in the following formats: EPS, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, PSD, AI.
  • Images may be cropped for placement.
  • Submitted photographs must have approval from the photographer and any additional people in the pictures.

Additional Fine Print for Writing

  • Submissions should be sent in Microsoft Word, text, or RTF format.
  • Text should be no longer than 2000 words
  • We reserve the rights to reformat and edit your document

Dealer’s Den Applications

Dealer's Den is now taking applications for 2025! There is a limited amount of tables available and we want to make sure you have the best chance to get in!

2025 Pre-Registration

Reg $65
Sponsor $145
Super $220


Want to get more involved with Furry Migration? Check out our open staff positions!