Accessibility at Furry Migration

Hi, we’re Accessibility! We provide services for our convention’s disabled attendees. Things like: ensuring our disabled attendees have seats or places to park mobility devices; ensuring accessibility and a comfortable environment at all events; and providing a “Quiet Space” for staff and attendees to relax, rest, and recharge in a neuro-friendly environment.
The Accessibility Desk is located on the first floor of the Hyatt next to the Volunteer Desk. This is also where to get an Accessibility sticker for your badge! Accessibility stickers will allow disabled attendees to use accessible seating, get priority in elevator lines, and get extra help as needed from Furry Migration volunteers. Make us your first stop when you arrive at the con!

Accessibility FAQ


What disabilities are covered under your policies?

All of them! There is no minimum qualification for services, nor is proof of need required. 

What do I have to do to get Accessibility help and services?

It helps us to help you if you go to the Accessibility Desk, on the first floor of the Hyatt right next to Volunteers, and ask for an Accessibility sticker for the back of your badge. (You can put it on the front if you like, as long as you can show it to our staff. It doesn’t have to be on the front or always visible; we’re not outing anyone.) 

What line management is in place to help folks with mobility and standing limitations?

At seated main events, Accessibility customers will be given reserved seating and wheelchair parking. Unfortunately we don’t have line management in place for elevators or for panels and seated events, but there are signs posted requesting that fursuiters and those using mobility devices be given priority. 

Are there reserved seats at events for those with disabilities?

Yes! There will be marked reserved seats in each panel room and seated event space for those with disabilities, both as chairs and as cutouts for wheelchair parking. 

Reserved seating at all events is limited and will be given on a first-come, first-served basis. Attending members are encouraged to plan ahead and arrive early for high-demand events. Numbers or other placeholders may be distributed to allow for this. 

Guests who are not utilizing Accessibility Services may be asked to leave reserved seating. 

Where is the quiet room / calming room? Is there somewhere I can rest / breastfeed / decompress?

The Quiet Space is located in the Hiawatha Room, on the second floor. It’s available to all convention attendees who need a space to be calm in. Please abide by convention and Quiet Space rules at all times.

Are service animals permitted at the convention?

Service animals are welcome at Furry Migration. In compliance with ADA law, service animals must be dogs or miniature horses who are trained to perform a task or tasks to mitigate their handler’s disability. Service animals in training are allowed, as long as they are on-task and do not interfere with the work of any other service animal. No pre-registration, certification, or identification is required of any service animal. Any animal which is violating convention or hotel rules, causing a health or safety hazard, or otherwise acts as a severe nuisance may be asked to leave, along with its handler.

Dealer’s Den Applications

Dealer's Den is now taking applications for 2025! There is a limited amount of tables available and we want to make sure you have the best chance to get in!

2025 Pre-Registration

Reg $65
Sponsor $145
Super $220


Want to get more involved with Furry Migration? Check out our open staff positions!