Show us your winning spirit! Swing by the Championship Booth on your way to the Dealers Room and Artist Alley and show us your skills! Throughout the weekend we’ll be hosting a series of contests at the Championship Booth where you can win a medal or trophy… and maybe even The Championship itself! Just look for the green banner booth and join in.
Tentative Booth Schedule:
Fri, Noon – 1pm: Bowling
Fri, 2pm – 3:30pm: Fursuit Hugging Booth
Sat, 11:30am – 1pm: Fursuit Hugging Booth
Sat, 3:30pm – 4:30pm: Archery
Sat, 5pm – 6pm: Hockey
Sun, 10:30am – 11:30am: Best Dog
Sun, Noon – 1:30pm: Fursuit Hugging Booth
Sun, 2pm – 3pm: Best Cat
Returning again this year, our Championship Booth outside of the Dealers Den on the 4th Floor will become our very own unique venture: The Fursuit Hugging Booth! This is a chance for some of our fantastically fuzzy friends to show just how huggable they are and help raise money for Leech Lake Legacy, our Charity for this year.
So come on by and get a hug on Friday from 2pm to 3:30pm, Saturday from 11:30am to 1pm or on Sunday from Noon to 1:30pm. And don’t forget to vote for the most huggable fursuiter by donating to the Charity at the booth after you’ve gotten your hug. We’ll have awards and prizes for the fursuiters that manage to raise the most money during their time in the booth!
Did you hear that, my fine fursuiting friends? Awards and prizes to the most huggable fursuiters at our booth this year! You’ll get 15 minutes in the booth to show off your hugging prowess and raise money for our charity. A sign-up sheet for time slots will be in the Fursuit Lounge on the 4th floor.
Rules for those fursuiters wishing to participate: