All room guests/hosts of open door room parties must pre-register with Furry Migration and have a pre-existing reservation in our room block at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis. The party organizers are responsible for providing a confirmation number for the reservation before the deadline. Should a party application be accepted, the primary guest (the one who’s listed on the room reservation) must agree to and sign a terms and conditions document set forth by the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis no later than one week after the document has been sent to the primary guest’s email address on file with the reservation. Upon completion, a one-night, nonrefundable deposit charge will be made to secure the room for duration of the convention stay. Any party that does not provide this information may lose their party room space at the convention and their existing reservation will remain as is.
All official room party hosts must be 18 years of age or older. If any minors are staying in the hotel room that the room party occupies, a legal parent or guardian or designated responsible adult must also be staying with them. While Furry Migration observes the City of Minneapolis curfew hours for juveniles, minors may be allowed in the Room Party block with a legal guardian or designated adult.
A party may promote their event with age appropriate materials. Flyers may be posted on hotel property if approved by event staff and blue painter’s tape is used. The room party host(s) will honor any restriction of promotion material made by the hotel. If any promotional material is found to be questionable, offensive, or inappropriate to a staff member or attendee, the materials may be removed by staff at any time.
Any party that uses the space for promotion of an organization, convention, or event, may do so within hotel policies. Tips may be accepted; any tip jars must be clearly marked for good service. However, any specific tip amount that ‘earn bonuses’ or trade any specific monetary value for a product or service is considered a sale and is prohibited under state law.
A room party must declare at least 6 hours of operation over the course of the convention, with a minimum time of 2 hours open both Friday and Saturday. During these hours, the door must be open to all attendees with a valid badge. While a party may run at any time of the day during the course of the convention, courtesy hours are between the hours of 1:00am and 1:00pm when the volume of the party must remain at a quiet level.
All open room parties residing on our party row/floor are considered convention space between the hours of 7pm and 2am. Open door parties whose operating hours all within the aforementioned timeframe must allow admittance to anyone with a valid Furry Migration badge; again, additional government issued ID may be required for an age-restricted party. Only those with a valid badge (and ID when required) may enter a room party. Anyone without a badge is not permitted in the room party during these hours. A party host should contact the room party staff and convention operations if there is an attendee or guest causing a disturbance.
Our room party row/floor refers to the hallway of Executive Suites, including the Park Suite at the end, on the 3rd floor of the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis. The badged hours of 7pm to 2am Friday and Saturday
When a party is outside of their posted hours of operation, it shall be considered a private guestroom of the hotel and the door must remain shut between 7pm and 2am Friday and Saturday during off hours. While all visitors are allowed during off hours, we strongly recommend they register for the convention as persons without a badge will be turned away during the convention space hours of Room Party Row. These persons may be escorted to and from the off hours room by the host(s) with proof of a valid room key for the room in question.
Parties in which alcohol is being served are not permitted to serve alcohol before 8:00pm. A party may operate before 8:00pm if there is no alcohol being served.
Any age-restricted parties should be clearly noted and must check IDs at the door, accepting only government (state and federal) issued IDs and are subject to local laws and restrictions. For the convenience of the hosts and staff, use of unique identifying markers such as wristbands and hand stamps may be used with approval of Room Party staff. However, any Furry Migration staff and Room Party hosts may check any IDs at any time regardless of approved identifiers. Keep in mind to not over-serve anyone and use your best judgment when serving alcohol.
NOTE: Hotel policy states that any guest caught serving to a minor or not checking IDs will be reported to Minneapolis Police and subject to legal ramifications. The guest will not be allowed back into the hotel and the room will be forfeited. Any payments paid to the hotel are non-refundable and any outstanding balances must be paid in full. Furthermore, any attendee violating the hotel’s alcohol policy will be banned from Furry Migration.
For more information, please review Minnesota’s liquor laws and statutes:
If you have any questions please contact room parties staff.