Furry Migration – Pre-Convention Art and Writing Competition
Our theme, our world, your characters and vision is what we want from your submissions!
Writing and art competition
In the future, civilization’s need for speed has spread throughout the universe! With the dawn of hyperspace engines, civilization’s desire to race ever increased and led to evolution and creation of the Interstellar Hyper Racing League (IHRL) and its featured and longest event, the Galactic Grand Prix.

spaceship flying
In the year 20XX, the IHRL established its Hyperspeed racing league with various events around the known the universe. These events included the 1000 MegaMile Sol Race, the Space rally of Saturn’s Rings, the The Mars Moon Speed Sprint, and more in our Solar System. Companies and racers from all across the galaxy have flocked to what might be the most extreme sporting event, where knowledge and skills are tested to the absolute limit. Where ships have literally exploded their way to cross the finish line before their opponents.
Stories about pilots come from all over the place. Moonside G. Sports, a racing team in the Promethium (PRO) Division, is led by a scrappy Rabbit, known as Gin “The Engine” Leap. Who became famous winning the Mars Moon Speed Sprint through building and building his spacecraft with a literal giant bucket of scraps. Team Chroma, a French Speed team led by a Peacock, Falchion Petit, have gained success in simply designing the best aero design that money can afford, as their moto is to simply put all of its prestige into the fanciest of flights.
There are many stories about teams and pilots, and their struggles and successes in the various races and journeys in space. What are those stories you might ask? This is where you come in!
We need your help to flesh out this world. So Furry Migration is putting on an writing and art contest.
Example Ideas to put to paper and pen
- The sub team space race team coming from all areas. What is their journey?
- Various races are being held to qualify for the main race how did it go?
- Stories of how your team came to space?
- How they lucked their way into achieving funding to race around the galaxy?
- Stories of Entertainment, hot club or bar?
- Stories from Pit crew recovery, while wrecked in an asteroid field.
- How they got off of Earth
- Stories about Interstellar Mechanic High School
- What are the team members like in and out of the race crafts
- Any any others you can think of
Again this is your ideas with the world describe above. Use the form below after reading contest rules to enter. Any additional questions use the contact us department Art Writing Pre-convention Competition. You have until July 28th to enter so start your engines and start imagining now!
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Full Rules
The Grand Prix writing and Art Contest are competitions at Furry Migration held specifically to sponsor the high points of Furry Fandom: Originality and Creativity.
An artist or writer is provided the theme which must be included in the final piece, and is provided a limited period of time for which to finish their work.
This is an open competition for all and here are the fine print rules.
- All creations must be original. You may not use existing works from your or others collection. You may use details or characters you have established before, but the work itself must be an original piece created during the allotted period.
- Creations not created for this work, or a commission CAN be entered but not eligible for a prize or placing in the voting. They will be acknowledged though submitting the work.
- Works are to be judged more on their incorporation of themes than finished skill of the product. Yes, polish is always good. But inspiration, insight, and clever incorporation of themes is more important.
- All submissions are to be no more than PG-13 rating. The art/writing will be viewed online by anyone. Any inappropriate content will be rejected. So, keep it family-friendly.
- All entries must be submitted 18 years or older or submitted with the expressed permission by a parent guardian.
- While this year theme is important, if you do include elements of Minnesota itself it is still appreciated.
- Submissions will be accepted online at for art and writing on the form above.
- All art must be received no later than July 28th, 2022.
- Multiple submissions of unique work are allowed.
- Judging will be done by a webmaster and a representative from programming.
- Their decisions will be final.
- Final winners and runners-up will be announced online on August 1st. The two winners will be rewarded with a free membership to next year’s convention 2023. This does not include transportation, food, Fursuit, hotel, or anything else that is needed to enjoy the convention.
- Multiple artists and writers may work on the same work of art or literature. All people will be recognized but only a single admission to Furry Migration 2023 will be provided if won.
- All submissions are the property of their creators or have been given explicit permission to be used in this submission. By submitting Minnesota Furs and Furry Migration retain a non-exclusive, non-transferable publication license for re-publication in the Convention booklet, convention advertisements, and/or website for any submitted pieces.
- All written work should be no greater than 5000 words, but have no minimum. Submissions can be in the forms of poetry, sonnet, prose, short story, even single scene if it adequately encapsulates the themes.
- Submissions can be in following formats: text, Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, or OpenOffice. We have limited ability to convert outside these formats, but publishing/webmaster may “adjust” spacing and format.
- Art is submitted on the website or a link provided.
- Can be a video or static image.
- If image please submit high res image at least 1024 x 768.
- If video at least 720p or higher.