Your Buisness Email Address
Willing to fill out a ST-19 at the convention and follow the state of Minnesota and city of Minneapolis laws for vending in the dealers room.
I have read the dealer's den and Furry Migration Code Of Conduct.*
Telegram, Other email addresses, carrier pigeons, HAM callsigns?
This can be anything.Do you do something unique?Is this your first time vending?Is this your last time vending?Do you work with local communities?Are you proud of something specific about your business?
These will be $100/spot
You will be getting a 10x10 space that includes a 3x6ft table and 2 chairs.
Near doors? Near Water?Middle of the row? Near end caps?
Power may not be free unlike other years.
This *DOES NOT* affect our selection process. This only affects placement within the den.
Will you have a tall banner?Will you be advertising fursuit repairs?Do you have a laminator?
As you'd like it to appear on the map/online/publications.
Short blurb to describe yourself (255 character limit)
This may be printed on maps and may go onto our site.
Square, and transparent please!Try to keep the image dimensions of raster images to 500x500.
Fursuit repair, laminator, 5 second crayon commissions?
This is more for planning so we can make load in/load out as painless as possible
Thank you for coming to Furry Migration 2024, Lost In Time!!
We will be back in 2025!