Dealer’s Den Application

2024 Dealers Application
Thank you for your interest in being part of the Furry Migration's dealer room. What follows is a form that will take approximately 15 minutes to finish. Please take your time and fill out as accurate as possible. This will help our staff determine if you would be a great candidate for being in the Dealer's room.

Your Buisness Email Address

Your Buisness Email Address

Follow Tax and Law From Minnesota*

Willing to fill out a ST-19 at the convention and follow the state of Minnesota and city of Minneapolis laws for vending in the dealers room.

Willing to fill out a ST-19 at the convention and follow the state of Minnesota and city of Minneapolis laws for vending in the dealers room.

I have read the dealer's den and Furry Migration Code Of Conduct.*

Business Information
Business Name*
Business Address*
Business Email
Dealer's Legal Name*
Dealer's Preferred Name
Phone Number
Additional Ways of Contact

Telegram, Other email addresses, carrier pigeons, HAM callsigns?

Telegram, Other email addresses, carrier pigeons, HAM callsigns?

Dealer Assistants
Assistant 1 Legal Name
Assistant 1 Badge Name
Assistant 2 Legal Name
Assistant 2 Badge Name
Assistant 3 Legal Name
Assistant 3 Badge Name
Selection Criteria
Images can be linked and uploaded on the next page.
What is your main product or service?*
What else will you be selling?
Is there anything else that would make you a good candidate for the den?

This can be anything.
Do you do something unique?
Is this your first time vending?
Is this your last time vending?
Do you work with local communities?
Are you proud of something specific about your business?

This can be anything.
Do you do something unique?
Is this your first time vending?
Is this your last time vending?
Do you work with local communities?
Are you proud of something specific about your business?

Do you have adult content?*
Do you want to be in the adult section of the den?*
Can you be in the SFW section of the den?
Booth/Product Images
Please upload any pictures that are relevant in help us choose you to be part of Furry Migration's 2024 Dealer's Room.
Website Links
Booth Image Links
Product Image Links
Booth/Product Photos -1
This type of file isn't allowed
The file size must be up to 10 MB
Booth/Product Photos -2
This type of file isn't allowed
The file size must be up to 10 MB
Booth/Product Photos -3
This type of file isn't allowed
The file size must be up to 10 MB
Booth/Product Photos -4
This type of file isn't allowed
The file size must be up to 10 MB
Booth/Product Photos -5
This type of file isn't allowed
The file size must be up to 5 MB
Booth/Product Photos -6
This type of file isn't allowed
The file size must be up to 10 MB
Booth/Product Photos -7
This type of file isn't allowed
The file size must be up to 10 MB
Booth/Product Photos -8
This type of file isn't allowed
The file size must be up to 10 MB
Table Requests and Layout
This does also help with the selection process, but more for layout than dealer selection.

$100 per 10x10ft spot
Spot can come with power if needed
Spot does not include internet (wifi) due to currently ongoing negotiations.
Spot Request*

These will be $100/spot

You will be getting a 10x10 space that includes a 3x6ft table and 2 chairs.

These will be $100/spot

You will be getting a 10x10 space that includes a 3x6ft table and 2 chairs.

Location Within Den

Near doors? Near Water?
Middle of the row? Near end caps?

Near doors? Near Water?
Middle of the row? Near end caps?

Do you need power?*

Power may not be free unlike other years.

Power may not be free unlike other years.

Any Dealer's you want to be near?
Will you have a support animal with you in den.*

This *DOES NOT* affect our selection process. This only affects placement within the den.

This *DOES NOT* affect our selection process. This only affects placement within the den.

Is there anything else that may draw people to your spot?

Will you have a tall banner?
Will you be advertising fursuit repairs?
Do you have a laminator?

Will you have a tall banner?
Will you be advertising fursuit repairs?
Do you have a laminator?

Publication Information
For our Map, Con book, and Website!

This will be copied exactly, so make sure it's correct!
Business Name*

As you'd like it to appear on the map/online/publications.

As you'd like it to appear on the map/online/publications.

Website Link*
Elevator Pitch/Short Business Description*

Short blurb to describe yourself (255 character limit)

This may be printed on maps and may go onto our site.

Short blurb to describe yourself (255 character limit)

This may be printed on maps and may go onto our site.


Square, and transparent please!
Try to keep the image dimensions of raster images to 500x500.

Square, and transparent please!
Try to keep the image dimensions of raster images to 500x500.

This type of file isn't allowed
The file size must be up to 10 MB
Any other draws you'd like advertised?

Fursuit repair, laminator, 5 second crayon commissions?

Fursuit repair, laminator, 5 second crayon commissions?

One Last Thing
Before you exit through the gift shop, is there anything else we missed?
What kind of vehicle do you use for transportation/load in/load out?

This is more for planning so we can make load in/load out as painless as possible

This is more for planning so we can make load in/load out as painless as possible

Special Requests, Comments, Questions, or Concerns.
Form Feedback

Thank You!

Thank you for coming to Furry Migration 2024, Lost In Time!!

We will be back in 2025!

We Don’t Stop!

Furry Migration is part of Minnesota Furs a local community grown 501(c)3 non profit. Please check out our next big event!

MidWinter Frolic

Can't wait till next Furry Migration? MidWinter Frolic is coming up!