July Dealers Den Update For Dealers!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Hello All! I have an update for our dealers at Furry Migration 2024. This post is for our dealers and information relevant to dealers on the wait-list. Exciting!

As of July 4th, 2024, all selected dealers have been emailed registration codes. Please check your spam inbox if you were expecting a dealer code but haven’t seen it. Emails were sent July 4th, and again on July 7th (because the first email accidentally had poor formatting). All dealers that had been selected will have until July 19th, 2024 to redeem and make payment needed for their table. Because of the way our email merge process worked, you’ll want to check your inbox for an email from “rico@mnfurs.org”.

Registration Dealer Codes

Both your registration and dealers table payment will be processed through our convention’s online registration portal, which can be reached by going to https://reg.furrymigration.org in any web browser. Once there, please enter your dealer registration code (contained in your email) in the registration code field on the second page, located below the section for registration (badge) options. If you have any difficulties using your code, or have already registered for a convention badge, please let dealers know. The email will also contain a dealer assistant code for any assistants that you need to have access to the dealers den.

If you did not get an email, either outlining an acceptance or information about not being selected, please email us to check the status of your original application!

Don’t lose your table!

Any dealers who haven’t paid by July 19th will risk forfeiting their table! Any unclaimed tables will be allocated and offered to the dealers wait-list. If you have opt’d-in for a wait-list table, Please monitor your email inboxes as those emails will be going out within 24 hours after July 22nd!

As we get closer to the convention. Dealers will be provided a dealer packet with information, rules, policies, and a copy of the ST-19 form, which will be needed to be submitted to the dealers department before actively vending at the convention.

If anyone has any questions, please email dealers@furrymigration.org, and we look forward to seeing everyone at the convention in September!



Dealer’s Den Applications

Dealer's Den is now taking applications for 2025! There is a limited amount of tables available and we want to make sure you have the best chance to get in!

2025 Pre-Registration

Reg $65
Sponsor $145
Super $220


Want to get more involved with Furry Migration? Check out our open staff positions!