2024 Survey

We value your feedback. Our 2024 survey is open!

We hope you had a great time at Furry Migration 2024! Share your experiences and feedback with us and help us make Furry Migration 2025 even more amazing!

Furry Migration 2024 Survey
Before we start
Surveys can be quite lengthy—this one may take between 5 to 15 minutes to complete. If you'd prefer to leave a quick comment, that's an option too. However, we encourage you to fill out the entire survey if possible, as your detailed feedback is incredibly valuable to us.

Would you like to fill out the whole survey right now.*

Would you like to fill out the whole survey right now.*

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You didn't want to fill out the whole survey.....

Your feedback is valuable to us. Please provide constructive feedback and comments to us.*

Your feedback is valuable to us. Please provide constructive feedback and comments to us.*

You can provide as much as you want and we will read your feedback. We hope when you have time to fill out the whole survey.

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Start Off
This Survey should take about 10-15 minutes on average so get a cup of your favorite beverage and lets start off with a few questions to get to know you!


If you don't want to answer hit next.

First, tell us what brings you here

First, tell us what brings you here

(select as many as you like)

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How long have you been furry?

How long have you been furry?

How many years have you been a furry?

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Do You Attend Other MNFurs Events

Do You Attend Other MNFurs Events

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Conventions and FM in General
We have a few questions about Furry Migration and other cons generally talk about.

How many Migrations have you been to?

How many Migrations have you been to?

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What other cons do you go to?

What other cons do you go to?

Furry or not we would like to here all the conventions you are willing to share with us.

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How did you hear about us?

How did you hear about us?

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What was your primary reason for attending Furry Migration this year?

What was your primary reason for attending Furry Migration this year?

Clear selection

What was your secondary reason for attending Furry Migration this year?

What was your secondary reason for attending Furry Migration this year?

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What was your tertiary reason for attending Furry Migration this year?

What was your tertiary reason for attending Furry Migration this year?

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General Questions For Volunteering and Next Year
We are always thinking ahead....

Did you volunteer?

Did you volunteer?


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What would make it easier/more likely for you to volunteer in the future?

What would make it easier/more likely for you to volunteer in the future?

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If you’d like to get involved before next year’s con, leave us your email here

If you’d like to get involved before next year’s con, leave us your email here

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Coming back next year?*

Coming back next year?*

Are you planning to attend Furry Migration 2024 (Bring friends!)

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Not Coming Back
We are sorry to hear you are right now planning not to come back for 2024 convention.

Not Coming Back for 2024.... Why?

Not Coming Back for 2024.... Why?

If you don't mind would you like to give feedback why you plan on not coming back in 2024. Your feedback is valuable.

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Overall Experience And Registration
If you do not have an answer just leave it blank

OVERALL, your experience at Furry Migration 2024 was...

OVERALL, your experience at Furry Migration 2024 was...

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How did you like the “Lost in Time” Theme

How did you like the “Lost in Time” Theme

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Online Registration

Online Registration

How was the online registration system?

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Registration on site/badge pickup

Registration on site/badge pickup

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Feedback for Registration

Feedback for Registration

Do you have additional feedback on registration and your experience with the registration process this year?

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General Hotel

What hotel were you in?

What hotel were you in?

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About the Hotel
Lets get into more details about the hotel.

Hotel Reservation process

Hotel Reservation process

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Checkin & Front Desk

Checkin & Front Desk

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Hotel Staff

Hotel Staff

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General Hotel Feedback

General Hotel Feedback

Have any additional hotel feedback you would like to give?

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Parking and Transportation

How did you get here

How did you get here

(Click all that applies)

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Did you park at the hotel

Did you park at the hotel

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Did you know about the discounted parking?

Did you know about the discounted parking?

Did you know about the negotiated discount parking at the ramp attached to the Hyatt?

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Additional Feedback on Parking and Transportation

Additional Feedback on Parking and Transportation

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Panels And Events
Lets talk a bit about the panels and events!

Panels and Events

Panels and Events

Which main tracks was your favorite panels!

1 - Awful
2 - Bad
3 - Neutral
4 - Good
5 - Great
Guest of Honor
General Panels
Youth Programming
Adult Programming
Video Gaming
Tabletop Gaming
Iron Pen/Iron Artist
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Mainstage Events

Mainstage Events

Mainstage Events

Which Mainstage Events was your favorite!

1 - Awful
2 - Bad
3 - Neutral
4 - Good
5 - Great
Overall Mainstage Events
Dances & DJs
Burlesque Show
Dance Competition
Floor Wars
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Dealers Den/Artist Alley

Dealers Den

Dealers Den

Lets get your opinion on the Dealer's Den area

1 - Awful
2 - Bad
3 - Neutral
4 - Good
5 - Great
Dealer's Den
Artist Alley
Clear selection

Any comments about Dealers or Artist Alley you would like to talk about?

Any comments about Dealers or Artist Alley you would like to talk about?

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Yes we are a furry convention we need to ask about this! Answer the questions you either watch or participated yourself in

If you have a Fursuit did you have fun with yours

If you have a Fursuit did you have fun with yours

While majority of attendees at Furry Migration we want to know do not have a fursuit but if you have one and brought it to Furry Migration did you have fun performing in it?

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Fursuit Parade

Fursuit Parade

Did you enjoy the Fursuit parade

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Fursuit Games & Programming

Fursuit Games & Programming

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Fursuit Lounge

Fursuit Lounge

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Did you know Furry Migration stream some of their panels and parade?

Did you know Furry Migration stream some of their panels and parade?

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Did you watch any of the livestreams of Furry Migration 2024?

Did you watch any of the livestreams of Furry Migration 2024?

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More Streaming Questions

Online Streaming Overall

Online Streaming Overall

Clear selection

Online Streaming Quality

Online Streaming Quality

Clear selection

Online Streaming Schedule

Online Streaming Schedule

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The People you Hang Out With
Tell a bit about this

The People you Hang Out With

The People you Hang Out With

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Room Parties

Room Parties

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Onsite Food And Bars

Onsite Food And Bars

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Offsite Food And Bars

Offsite Food And Bars

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Sponsor/Super Sponsor Membership

Did you Sponsor or Super Sponsor for Furry Migration 2024?*

Did you Sponsor or Super Sponsor for Furry Migration 2024?*

Clear selection
More Questions About Sponsor/Super Sponsor Membership
Thank you for sponsoring/super sponsoring the convention it does help!

General how did it feel to sponsor/super sponsor the convention

General how did it feel to sponsor/super sponsor the convention

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Why did you sponsor?

Why did you sponsor?

Clear selection

How did you feel about the - Sponsor Gifts

How did you feel about the - Sponsor Gifts

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How did you feel about the - Super Sponsor Brunch

How did you feel about the - Super Sponsor Brunch

Clear selection

How did you feel about the - Early Access To Dealers Den/Artist Alley

How did you feel about the - Early Access To Dealers Den/Artist Alley

Clear selection

How did you feel about the - Priority Access and Seating at Events

How did you feel about the - Priority Access and Seating at Events

(when it was available)

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Any additional comments about Sponsor or Super Sponsors?

Any additional comments about Sponsor or Super Sponsors?

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Charity & Fundraising & Partners

Generally how you feel about our Charity & Fundraising & Partners

Generally how you feel about our Charity & Fundraising & Partners

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Minnesota Furs

Minnesota Furs

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Furry Migration Merchandise

Furry Migration Merchandise

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Did you know we had a Consuite

Did you know we had a Consuite

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Did you use Consuite this year?

Did you use Consuite this year?

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How did you enjoy Consuite?

How did you enjoy Consuite?

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Getting in Touch With Us

Getting in Touch With Us

Getting in Touch With Us

In general how was it to get in touch with us!

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Our helpful con staff

Our helpful con staff

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Social Media

Social Media

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How was our

Signage & Digital Kiosks

Signage & Digital Kiosks

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Convention Book

Convention Book

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Opening/Closing Ceremonies

Did you watch opening ceremonies and if so what was your opinion?

Did you watch opening ceremonies and if so what was your opinion?

Do not answer if you did not watch opening ceremonies!

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Did you watch closing ceremonies?*

Did you watch closing ceremonies?*

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Closing Ceremonies

How would you rate closing ceremonies?

How would you rate closing ceremonies?

Do not answer if you did not watch closing ceremonies!

Clear selection

How would you rate the next year's con theme?

How would you rate the next year's con theme?

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Any comments about closing ceremonies you would like to share?

Any comments about closing ceremonies you would like to share?

This would be anything from closing ceremonies or elements like next year's theme.

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Now some final questions
Last questions

Favorite quote from the weekend

Favorite quote from the weekend

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What is the ONE THING we could do to make the con more fun for you?

What is the ONE THING we could do to make the con more fun for you?

Clear selection

What is the ONE THING we could take from another convention or something we don't do would want to come to this campaign

What is the ONE THING we could take from another convention or something we don't do would want to come to this campaign

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Any additional comments and feedback?

Any additional comments and feedback?

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Optional Contact

Your badge number

Your badge number

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Your email address

Your email address

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Thank You!

Thank you for coming to Furry Migration 2024, Lost In Time!!

We will be back in 2025!

We Don’t Stop!

Furry Migration is part of Minnesota Furs a local community grown 501(c)3 non profit. Please check out our next big event!

Take Survey

We want your feedback! How else are we going to get better!