Hockey Jersey Reorder Interest

Friday, October 4, 2019

We are trying to gauge interest in doing a second run on Furry Migration hockey jerseys, are you game for one?


Based on people’s feedback people seem to really REALLY REALLY like hockey jerseys, so I am thinking – why not do it again!

There is no promise that we will be doing this, but if we get enough interest we will do another order run. So if you are interested please fill this form out this month (October) and we will use that judge if we should do another run!

Filling out this form DOES NOT give you intent to make an order. We are doing the form to to gauge interest and if we do another order run we will send you an email when we have final costs and how the process will go.

We do not have a price yet for these – we need to figure it out base on the order size, increases in costs and shipping costs. But I suspect it will be a bit more than the cost of the preorder.

Quick Pic Of Back of Furry JerseyWhile we have no idea on timing and schedule yet my best guess would be that we would get it done in the next few months so that we could deliver in January to March. This would NOT be tied to a registration like last time. This would be priced so that we would be getting it delivered to you by mail in the continental United States or at a local meet.

For a better idea of the Jersey and last year process you can see this previous post.

So if you want one drop a line and for those that already have one hope you love it!

Kurst Hyperyote
Maybe Co-Chairman Furry Migration 2020

Thank you for your interest we are evaluating if we want to do this.

Dealer’s Den Applications

Dealer's Den is now taking applications for 2025! There is a limited amount of tables available and we want to make sure you have the best chance to get in!

2025 Pre-Registration

Reg $65
Sponsor $145
Super $220


Want to get more involved with Furry Migration? Check out our open staff positions!