Art Show Status for Furry Migration 2019

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Our convention is a volunteer convention. We live and die by the support and efforts of our volunteers. We depend on them to provide support to be able to get the best convention experience we can.

At the same time, we are concerned with our volunteer staff. These people are our friends and family that make up the con. We got to do the right thing when things get tough we support and help our staff and volunteers. Their life is first.

Last year we had one of our best year at Furry Migration’s Art Show and everyone involved with was very proud at the direction and popularity of it. Unfortunately with changes happening at the convention and our current staff, who had run the art show had some major personal changes in their life, made them unavailable for the convention. Because of these factors…..

We are going to have to put the Furry Migration art show into hiatus this year.

This was a difficult decision. As mentioned before last year’s art show was a success and I want to build on the success. But also as a convention chairman I want to put our volunteers first so when they need a break – they need to take that break. I also don’t want an art show put together poorly, putting the people and staff in situation that makes it worse for everyone than not having it. This is partly because we are low on staff and volunteers this year in general.

In the next few weeks if we get more staff and volunteers willing to help the convention and find some that are a great fit for this year’s art show I will overturn this decision. Otherwise we will do our best to bring back Art Show back bigger and better in 2020.

Thank you for your understanding and support
Convention Chairperson
Kurst Hyperyote

If you have questions please ask

Dealer’s Den Applications

Dealer's Den is now taking applications for 2025! There is a limited amount of tables available and we want to make sure you have the best chance to get in!

2025 Pre-Registration

Reg $65
Sponsor $145
Super $220


Want to get more involved with Furry Migration? Check out our open staff positions!