Join Our Dealer’s Den for 2017!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

We are now accepting Dealer's Den applications for Furry Migration 2017!

The heroes will be rallying and the villains will be scheming at Furry migration 2017. The outcome remains uncertain…

One thing is for certain, both sides will be shopping in our Dealer’s Den!

We are looking for merchants of all kinds to join us in providing both sides with goodies to bring home after the battle is decided.

Head on over to our Dealer’s Den page now and fill out an application by March 15th; we look forward to hearing from you!


Thank You!

Thank you for coming to Furry Migration 2024, Lost In Time!!

We will be back in 2025!

We Don’t Stop!

Furry Migration is part of Minnesota Furs a local community grown 501(c)3 non profit. Please check out our next big event!

MidWinter Frolic

Can't wait till next Furry Migration? MidWinter Frolic is coming up!