Panels for Furry Migration 2016!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

We are happy to accept your panel submissions for Furry Migration 2016!

The Furry community is full of artists, videographers, story tellers, and many more fuzzy individuals in the creative world, the historical world, and even the scientific world.

We are currently looking for individuals of all walks of life to present something in a panel for the upcoming convention!
Share your experiences, tell a little history; discuss something you love! We wanna see what you got!

Head over to our panel submissions page and show us what you got!

Thank You!

Thank you for coming to Furry Migration 2024, Lost In Time!!

We will be back in 2025!

We Don’t Stop!

Furry Migration is part of Minnesota Furs a local community grown 501(c)3 non profit. Please check out our next big event!

MidWinter Frolic

Can't wait till next Furry Migration? MidWinter Frolic is coming up!